Why eat organic food

Why eat organic food, health benefits and pricing, Online Booking

Organic Food are produced without use of

  • Pesticides
  • Synthetic Fertilizer
  • Sewage Sludge
  • Genetically modified organisms
  • Iodine Ionizing radiation

Organic Food certification

  • Govt approved certifier inspects the farm
  • Only after approval, it can be delivered to local markets

So organic vegetable foods cost more as they follow the most conventional methods of farming. Organic Coffee, Cereal, Bread may cost the same or even less.

90% of chemicals used for Non-Organic foods have not been tested for long-term side effects.

Why eat organic food

Why eat organic food?

It has more nutrients, Vitamins, Minerals and Enzymes in the micro nutrients. Organic Food tastes better and contains more of several nutrients. Organically grown Vegetables such as Lettuse, Spinach, Carrots, Potatoes and cabbage has adequate amount of Vitamin C. Whereas the same out of Non-organic Foods do not have Vitamin C.

Organically grown foods provide 21% more Iron, 27% more Vitamin C, 29.3% more magnesium, 13.6% more Phosphorous and tastes good.

Natural produce will have more benefits.

Organic Foods looks ugly, will not last longer for weeks unlike conventional foods, can be cooked easily

Eating Organic Foods help us to avoid GMO foods or genetically modified organisms (GMO) and engineered.

Why should we avoid GMO Foods?

One must avoid hormones, antibiotics, drugs and animal products. Which causes hormone imbalance and reduce your immunity levels. Most contaminated food are meat and dairy products as it pass thru food supply and enters our body.

Chickens are fed with animal parts and byproducts. Antibiotics, Drugs and growth hormones are directly passed into the meat for short term gains. In Dairy production, Sex hormones and growth hormones are given to cattle to increase the production.


Why not to eat Non Organic Foods?

  • Early-onset of puberty
  • Growth of tumours
  • Heightened cancer risks in woman
  • Genetic problems

Usage of Penicillin and tetracycline, antibiotics, Growth hormones and animal feed will have adverse impact on the health.

It majorly impacts, Pregnant women, Nursing mothers and children.

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