Vastu Tips for Students, Sleeping Direction, and Bedroom

Vastu Tips for Students, Sleeping Direction, and Bedroom

Children are rising suns and brilliant stars similar to the sun. The foundations for a good future are built during childhood. Everywhere they are, parents are determined to shape their children’s future. In addition to achieving their parents’ dreams, kids should also have their own study spaces. The study spaces ought to be adjusted appropriately. At that point, the parents’ dreams will come true, and the pupils’ hard work will be rewarded.

Sleeping Direction Vastu Tips for Students

  • Ideally, your study should be located in the north or north-east of your house.
  • According to Vastu, the study direction dictates that the study table should be positioned in the east or north of the room.
  • The east, north, or west walls are the ideal locations for windows.
  • The northeast, north, east, or west are the appropriate directions for the door.
  • Make sure the space is well-lit, and you can add a lamp to the southeast of the study table if necessary.
  • For the study table, steer clear of asymmetrical shapes. Avoid constructing a bathroom in the study area.
  • Make sure that a small space separates the study table and the wall. This void makes it simple to take in fresh concepts and ideas.
  • Put a pyramid in the study space to improve concentration and energy balance.
  • There should always be clutter in the study area and on the study table.
  • children’s chamber is 10 degrees below the compass’s southeast direction. Students should then face either north or east as they study.
  • Students should study with their backs to the east or north if the southeast direction on the compass is more than 10 degrees below.
  • If the angle between east and southeast is more than 10 degrees, students should face north. Then, there will be a northern, northeastern focus, which produces positive outcomes.
  • Children’s rooms should always have doors facing east and northeast.
  • Many children sleep with their heads turned to the east or south. They will then have favourable outcomes.
  • Given that the northeast corner of the home is lucky for studying, this is the best place for the study room.
  • A student’s chair should ideally face either the north or the east, as both of these directions are thought to encourage focus and concentration.
  • Paint walls with bright colours, such as white and yellow.
  • Set up a water fountain in the study room, as it removes bad energy and improves focus.
  • It is advised to leave the study room’s windows open during the day to let in more natural light and improve air circulation.
  • Place some Feng Shui items, such as windchimes or plants, close to your study space. These items greatly enhance learning processes and help to bring in positive energy.