Vastu Tips For Positive Energy In Home

Vastu Tips for Positive Energy at Home. Vastu offers online and offline consultations.

Vastu Shastra is an old Indian science that looks at buildings and how to arrange space. It can help you bring wealth and happiness into your life. There are Vastu tips that can help you make your home or office a place where luck and happiness come to you.

Vastu Tips For Positive Energy In Home

Vastu Shastra blends natural elements with energy fields to make places that are balanced and allow energies to move freely. You can follow these rules to get rich and be happy
How to Understand the Five Elements:

In Vastu, the five elements—earth, water, fire, air, and space—are very important. Keeping these things in your home in balance will keep the flow of good energy going smoothly. The way they connect in different directions is as follows:

North (Water): This direction is linked to money. Clear out this space and keep it clean.

South (Fire): This sign stands for success and fame. Water elements shouldn’t be used here because they clash with fire.

East (air): This has to do with health and should be left open so sunshine can come in.

West (Earth): It’s stable and great for a kids’ room or storage.

Center (Space): The center of the house should be left open so that energy can flow freely.

Where the rooms are placed, as per Vastu:

The best way to get in is from the northeast. It brings wealth to you.

Kitchen: Southeast, since fire is associated with that direction.

Bedroom: south or southwest to make sure it is strong and stable.

Bathroom: North-West or West to get rid of bad vibes.

Using Vastu to Bring in Money:

Planned placements:

Entrance: A main door that is well-lit and not blocked welcomes wealth. Make sure the door opens inward to let the energy in.

Living Room: Lighter decorations should face northeast or north to bring in wealth forces. Stay away from big furniture that gets in the way.

By returning the wealth of energy into the room, putting mirrors on the north wall can make it twice as strong.

Enhancements and Remedies:

Aquariums: Putting an aquarium in the northeast area of the living room can be good because water moving in an aquarium represents rebirth and flow.

Plants: Putting green plants in the southeast will not only increase the amount of oxygen in the air, but they will also bring in money.

Trying to make people happy and healthy:

Private Places:

Bedroom Harmony: Use soft colors like blue or green, and put your bed away from places that could be sharp.

Family Rooms: The northwest corner of the house is perfect for a family room because it is bright and airy, which helps people get to know each other.

The atmosphere and decor:

Pick a Color: In the North, yellow or gold makes people happy. Soft colors in living rooms help people feel calm.

Natural Light: Letting in as much natural light as possible can get rid of long-lasting bad energy.


Vastu Shastra isn’t just about architecture; it’s also about changing how you live in a way that makes you healthier and wealthier. If you follow even a few of these tips, your mood and luck will get better. Remember that every space is different, so use these tips as a guide and make changes based on how your space feels. May your journey with Vastu bring you lots of money, peace, and good things.

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