Vastu Shastra Sleeping Direction and Best Bed Position

Vastu Shastra Sleeping Direction, Head resting position and bed direction

As with many customs, his ankles must stay clear of the bedroom door while you are asleep. Sleeping with your feet facing the door to your bedroom will cause you to feel restless and uncomfortable at home, and you won’t experience any sense of calm. Even worse, forces may force you to move out of your home against your will. 

Although it’s questionable if sleeping with your feet facing the door brings misfortune, there is one thing you can do to avoid waking up on the incorrect side of the bed: On the left side of the bed, rest. 

Vastu Shastra Best Sleeping Direction

  • All people possess a magnetic field. A magnetic field is the area that surrounds a person or item and is subject to magnetic force. Additionally, you are aligning the magnetic field of your body with that of Earth when you sleep with your head facing south. You won’t get dirty headaches or problems with your blood pressure in this way. 
  • According to the Vastu Shastra, sleeping in a different direction is generally negative. You are setting yourself up for tension, headaches, anxiety, depression, insomnia, etc., for example, if you sleep with your head facing north. According to Vastu, sleeping in the south is the best way to prevent sleeplessness and other mental health issues. 
  • Additionally, sleeping with your head toward the south can enable you to enter REM sleep earlier, which is crucial for brain function. Rapid eye movement is known as REM. Your eyes wander in various directions during this stage of REM sleep, but your brain is not receiving any visual information. You will experience vivid dreams during this phase, and your memory and ability to study will both improve. Because of this, sleeping in the south is considered optimal and suitable, according to Vastu. 
  • In general, automatic, skewed, harmful, credible, and bothersome ideas are toxic ones. You may be more vulnerable to major mental illnesses like OCD, anxiety, depression, chronic stress, etc., if you are dealing with poisonous ideas on a regular basis. Sleeping with your head pointed south is one way to eliminate negative thoughts. For the purpose of removing harmful and toxic thought patterns, sleeping in the south is the optimal orientation. Every morning, you’ll awaken with a clean face and a clear head. 
  • The finest possible functioning of the body depends on heart health. It provides the body with oxygen and blood. Vastu Shastra states that sleeping facing south can help you improve your heart health and get rid of heart-related issues. 
  • Who wouldn’t want abundance and wealth? Money, according to some, cannot buy happiness. However, cash allows you to travel, indulge in delectable meals, and purchase more incredible experiences. The south sleeping direction is a doorway to prosperity and riches, according to Vastu Shastra. Thus, you should take advantage of this fantastic chance. 
  • When you get enough sleep, your body releases important hormones. Your body’s systems depend on hormones to support growth, development of sexual organs, metabolism, thirst, and other processes. Any abnormalities in them could result in PCOS, diabetes, thyroid issues, etc. Enough sleep aids with hormone balance. Vastu says that sleeping facing south is the best position.