Vastu Animals for Your Home to attract wealth

Vastu Animals for Your Home. Animals, which can fetch wealth for the family.

Vastu Shastra and how it uses animals to make our homes more positive places to live. This book offers interesting information and useful tips on how to use Vastu animals in your home to make it a more peaceful place to live, whether you believe in the ancient Indian science of building and design or are just interested in cultural practices.

How to Understand Vastu Shastra:

An old Indian science called Vastu Shastra balances the natural forces around us to make us feel better. Vastu tries to create balance and flow in living areas by making them work with natural forces.

Earth, water, air, fire, and space all work together as basic principles.

Directional significance: A different set of elements and gods govern each compass direction.

Knowing the basic ideas behind Vastu can help you understand how deep it goes and how it can be used through different symbols, like animals

How Animals Are Important in Vastu:

In Vastu Shastra, animals are not just real things; they are also symbolic examples of different kinds of forces that come from their nature and traits.

Common Vastu animals and how important they are:


The presence of elephant figures near the door, especially those that face inward, attracts good energies and protects against bad luck.


Turtles are great for people who want peace and long-term success because they are often linked to life and safety. They work best in the north or at the back of the house.


Placing horse figures in the south, where they represent courage and speed, can help you make good changes in your life and reach your goals faster.


As a symbol of knowledge and intuitive power, the owl can help people who want to improve their wisdom. If you want to put an owl somewhere, face it east.

A peacock

Peacocks are a sign of beauty and honor, and they can make a home look better and feel better. Putting peacock symbols in the northeast is a good idea.

How to Put Animals in Your Home for Good Vastu:

Vastu says that placement is very important, and knowing where to put your animal symbols can have a big effect on how well they work.

Advice on where to put things:

Entryways: Good for guard dogs like elephants or lions.

Living rooms:
Having horses or peacocks in active areas can make people more social and give them more energy.

Study or work areas:
owls or rabbits, which represent knowledge and care, help you focus and feel calm.

Tips for Implementation That Works:

According to Vastu, make sure the animals are facing the right way for the most benefit.

It’s also important to be careful about what kind of material the animal images are made of, like metal, wood, or stone.

Things to think about and warnings:

Using these icons can be helpful, but there are some things to keep in mind to make sure they don’t have any bad effects.

What to Do and Not to Do in Vastu Animal Use:

Do pick figurines that look good and go with the rest of your home’s decor.

Too many marks can make your place look crowded and less useful, so don’t put them too close together.

In conclusion

Using Vastu animals in your home decor isn’t just a way to follow an old custom; it’s also a way to make a place that balances the natural world around us and attracts good energies. Each figure, like the wise owl in your study or the strong elephant at your front door, has a story and a promise to make your life better in some way. Play around with these images to find your balance, unity, and wealth.
To review, Vastu is about making your space more valuable in a way that works for you and your home’s energy field. As you start this process of improving your space and your mind.