Things Not To Keep In Bedroom, According To Vastu

Things Not to Keep in the Bedroom, According to Vastu. Bed sleeping direction.

  • Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian science that states that the bedroom is a sacred place. Mental peace and good energy, which are essential for relaxation and renewal, will emerge from this place.
  • Vastu rules clearly state the following things:
  • Mirrors can cause sleep disturbances and restlessness because they reflect energy. Cover them at night if you cannot prevent it.
  • Keep electronics out of the bedroom. These devices emit electromagnetic waves, which can disrupt sleep and be distracting.
  • Clutter: A cluttered area looks chaotic and disrupts the flow of energy. Keep the bedroom clean, clutter-free, and neat to promote rest and calm.
  • Bring no work-related items into your bedroom. This includes computers, files, or any other materials related to your job. It can be difficult to tell the difference between work and leisure, making it hard to relax.
  • Avoid negative imagery. Surround yourself with images that are both peaceful and uplifting to encourage positive energy.
  • Items that have been damaged or broken. Items that have been damaged or broken may represent negativity in the bedroom and block the flow of positive energies. Replace or repair damaged items as soon as you can to maintain a peaceful environment.
  • Dead plants are the opposite of healthy plants. They represent energy and life, but they also have a negative impact. Replace any dead plants with healthy ones in your bedroom to encourage energy flow.
  • A bedroom with too many water elements can be unbalanced. Having a small aquarium inside the room creates a positive atmosphere. Keep a small water fountain inside and away from beds.
  • Sharp objects: Do not keep knives, firearms, or scissors in the bedroom. These objects are believed to carry negative energy that can cause anxiety and insecurity.
  • One should not keep broken clocks and not working clocks inside the room. They can represent inertia, which can impede personal growth.
  • By following these suggestions and creating a harmonious environment, you can improve your quality of sleep and relaxation.