Snake Plant Vastu And Benefits Directions

Snake Plant Vastu and Benefits Directions. Benefits of a Snake Plant in the Home.

The Snake Plant, whose chemical name is Sansevieria, is a well-known decorative plant in the Asparagaceae family. It is a favorite among plant lovers and designers because it looks nice and cleans the air. The snake plant shows that nature can grow anywhere because it is easy to take care of and comes in many types. Now, let’s look at why Vastu says it’s a good idea to put it there.

How to Understand Vastu Shastra:

The old Indian science of building and space arrangement called Vastu Shastra stresses the importance of straight alignment to make living areas more harmonious and full of good energy. Vastu is similar to Feng Shui, which comes from China. It tells you how to arrange different parts of your home to improve your health and wealth.

Vastu Shastra’s Main Ideas on Directional Energy:

Each direction is linked to a different set of forces and gods.

Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space are the five elements that make up balance.

Spatial Harmony: The way rooms, furniture, and plants are set up can affect your health and happiness.

How Snake Plants Are Important, as per Vastu

Snake plants, which are also called Mother-in-Law’s Tongue, are loved for both their looks and how easy they are to take care of. They are also thought to clean the air. NASA’s Clean Air Study says that snake plants can clean the air of harmful chemicals like formaldehyde and benzene. Vaisheshika believes that adding things that clean the air is lucky and makes the energy of the area better.
Snake plants have useful qualities in Vastu. For example, they clean the air, which is an important part of Vastu.
Sharp Parts: If put properly, their tall, pointy leaves can counteract bad forces.

Where to put your snake plant, according to Vastu:

If you know where to put your Snake Plant, you can get the most out of it and make sure that it flows with Vastu principles.

The southeast direction is the zone of fire. Lord Agni, the god of fire, rules this direction


It helps with health and relationships, which makes it a good place for the Snake Plant, which cleans the air even more and encourages good relationships.

North: The Zone of Wealth; Lord Kubera, the god of wealth, rules this area.

Advantages: It helps the economy grow and stay stable. By putting a Snake Plant here, you can stop bad financial forces and attract good ones.

Where Not To Put It: The South

Lord Yama, the death god, is in charge of the South. Vastu says not to put Snake Plants in this way because it could bring in bad energy and hurt your health.

Making a Harmonious Home is the End:

Putting your Snake Plant in a way that follows the rules of Vastu Shastra can not only make your home look better, but it can also make it more active. Remember that the key to getting the most out of Vastu is to follow its rules. Try putting your Snake Plant facing southeast, east, or north and notice the small but noticeable changes it makes to your space and health.

Vastu Tip: Move your plants around a little every couple of months to make sure they get the same amount of light and keep the energy flowing. Getting on this peaceful road with Vastu and your Snake Plant can help make your home a better place to live. Play around with these positions until you find the best one that fits your home’s energy and style.