Organic Honey in Tirupati

Organic Honey in Tirupati cost, Online Booking, Contact number

100 gm Honey Nutrition Facts

Calories319 K Cal
Carbohydrates79.5 gm
Proteins0.3 gm
Calcium5 mg
Phosphorous16 mg
Iron0.696 mg
Calories319 K Cal
The above-mentioned values might differ from the actual values

Healthy benefits of Raw Honey

  • Acts as Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti Allergy
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Anti Microbial
  • Acts as Antibiotic when applied on wounds
  • Healthy skin
  • Cures ulcers
  • Promotes Sleep
  • High in Antioxidants
  • As a cough syrup
  • Helps in weight loss
  • For sore throats
  • Natural Antibiotic
  • It is good for intestines
  • Promotes relaxation
  • Improves digestion

Original, Pure and Natural Honey can be stored for years. Colour change will not be there even after a decade. Majority of the honey which we purchase from the market are the processed honey with preservatives added.

Organic Honey in Tirupati

Organic Honey can be procured from Wild Forest as it is 100% natural and will posses good medicinal properties within.

We sell Pure and Natural honey collected from Pesticide Free farms. We discourage the storage for a long period, we collect instantly and process honey right before you.

For booking, please call, message or WhatsApp 93 93 93 9150