Organic Eggs in Tirupati

Organic Eggs in Tirupati, Store location, Contact number

50 gm (Egg White, Egg Yolk) Nutrition facts

Whole EggEgg WhiteEgg Yol
Calories72 K Cal17 K Cal55 K Cal
Proteins7 gm4 gm3 gm
Fat5 gm0 gm5 gm
Calcium34 mg12.3 mg21.5 mg
Phosporous72 mg5 mg67 mg
Sodium63 mg55 mg8 mg
Potassium73 mg54 mg19 mg
Vitamin A245 IU0 IU245 IU
Vitamin E1 mg0 mg1 mg
Omega 3 39 mg0 mg39 mg
Cholesterol220 mg0 mg220 mg

Eggs are rich source of HDL. Egg Yolk has high proteins, Cholesterol and Nutrients.

Vitamins, Minerals and Nutrients available in a Egg

It is advisable to have Boiled Eggs than having Omletts or Scrambled Eggs. One whole Egg contains 186 mg of Cholesterol.

Daily Recommended limit for healthy people is 300 mg and 200 mg for unhealthy people. Please check with your Physician or Dietician in adding Egg to your food menu.

Egg Health Benefits

  • Healthy Skin
  • Hair growth
  • Helps in brain functioning
  • Vitamin D
Country chicken Eggs

Organic Eggs in Tirupati

We provide Country chicken Eggs which were grown freely in Villages. Cage-Free Chicken Eggs will be supplied daily. White Eggs or Brown Eggs (Country Chicken Eggs) nutrition facts remains the same. But, getting No hormones, Antibiotics free eggs matters a lot.

For booking, please call, message or WhatsApp @ 93 93 93 9150

We undertake orders for the next day delivery. Online Order close by 9:00 am for the next day delivery.