Organic Chicken in Tirupati

Organic Chicken in Tirupati, Cost and Online Booking

Chicken has a rich source of protein, calcium, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6, Magnesium, Amino acids and other nutrients. Chicken contains selenium that fight cancer, reduces cardiovascular diseases and neurological problems

What is Broiler Chicken?

  • These chicken are fed with harmful chemicals, antibiotics and growth hormones.
  • Growth hormones and antibiotics in the feeds help them to grow within 40 days

Side Effects of Eating Broiler Chicken

  • Regular eating Cause Cancer. Having chicken cooked at high temperatures regularly results in cancer.
  • It causes prostate cancer in Males.
  • So, it is not advisable to have grilled chicken
  • Poultry chickens are confined to little space so high chance of having dangerous bacteria within.
  • 1 Roast chicken leg equals to 60 cigarettes.
  • Regular consumption of chicken causes Type 2 Diabetes, Hyperlipidemia, Hypertension, Osteoarthritis, Obesity, Cardiovascular diseases, Destructive sleep apnea.
  • Broiler chickens are injected with chemicals, Antibiotics, Growth hormones and feed with GMO foods which are harmful to the human body.
  • Having chicken 3 times a week is equal to taking 3 Antibiotic injections.
  • Regular consumption of Broiler chicken leads to male infertility. Chemicals within cause sperm count reduction.
Organic Chicken in Tirupati
Broiler chicken confined to small area

Organic Chicken Shops and Health Benefits in Tirupati

For online orders, please call or message or WhatsApp us on 93 93 93 9150

Organic Chicken Helath benefits

  • No antibiotics, hormones, GMO foods.
  • Rich source of proteins and vitamins
Cooked skinless chicken breast3.5 Oz165 Calories
31 gm Proteins
3.6 gm fat
Cooked chicken with skin3.5 Oz200 calories
7.6 gm fat

We sell country chicken at reasonable prices in place of organic chicken. As we supply country chickens which are raised cage-free with no antibiotics, GMO foods and hormones injected.

Country chicken free-cage

Country chicken Vs Broiler Chicken (100 gm)

Country chickenBroiler Chicken
Carbohydrates8.2 gm0 gm
Fat16.5 gm15.2 gm
Protein20 gm18.8 gm
Vitamin A21.2 Mu g16.1 Mu g
Vitamin D4.2 mg1.6 mg
Calcium23.5 mg0 mg
Iron0.4 mg0 mg