Organic and Regular Eggs Health Benefits

Organic and Regular Eggs Health Benefits, Cost and Booking procedure

Egg Health Benefits

  • It improves performance as it has a high satiety index.
  • Egg Yolk contains Iron which reduces Iron deficiency
  • An Egg has 10-20% folate, 20-30% of Vitamin A, E and B12.
  • It is a good source of Choline. It is advisable for pregnant women to have one egg a day.
  • As it is a good source of Antioxidants, Lutein and Zeaxanthin, it helps in providing good eyesight.
  • An egg is having a high quality of protein. It is rated at 93 out of 100, whereas fish is rated at 73.
  • The egg is a good source of Vitamin D which is good for bones.
  • Healthy Skin and prevents diseases.
  • It helps in weight loss.
  • It contains all essential amino acids
  • Increase muscle mass.
  • It lowers blood pressure
Regular Eggs

Organic and Regular Eggs Health Benefits

Eggs from the Chickens raised without GMO foods, antibiotics, Hormones, Animal byproducts, Cage-free and organic feed will be considered as the Organic Eggs. Regular Chicken does not have any restrictions.

How to get good Eggs?

Eggs from Free Range and Pastured hens will have good nutritional facts. Make sure Yolk is deep yellow or orange.

What Egg Yolk Contains?

1Carotenoids and Fatty Acids
2Omega 3 fatty acids
3Vitamin A, E, D and K
4Vitamin B6 and B12
9Folic Acid
14Copper, Magnesium and Selenium
15Lecithin and Phospholipids
16Healthy Cholesterol

Boiled Egg Nutritional Facts

Grams Protein6.3
Grams Fat5.3
Gram Carbohydrates0.6
Cholesterol186 mg
Selenium15.4 mcg
Riboflavin0.3 mg
Vitamin D44 IU
Vitamin B120.6 mcg
Vitamin A293 IU
Phosphorous86 mg
Folate22 mcg
Country chicken Eggs

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