Online Grocery Delivery in Tirupati

Online Grocery Delivery in Tirupati, Contact and Online Booking

We undertake Online orders on all days. Delivery will be on the next day between 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Online Grocery Delivery in Tirupati

Avg Quantity for 2 persons
Rice25 Kg
Idli Rice (Boiled Rice)5 Kg
Basmathi Rice5 Kg
Brown Rice5 Kg
Wheat Flour5 Kg
Rice Flour2 Kg
Corn FlourMokka Jonna Pindi1/2 Kg
Gram FlourSenaga Pindi1/2 Kg
Ragi Flour1/2 Kg
Millet FlourSajja Pindi1/2 Kg
Milo FlourJonna Pindi1/2 Kg
Sunflower Oil2 Lt
Ground Oil1 Lt
Sesame Oil1 Lt
Coconut Oil250 ml
Olive Oil1/2 Lt
Tea Powder1/4 Kg
Turmeric50 gm
Kumkum50 gm
Ghee250 gm
Cotton WickVotthulu1 packet
Camphor1 packet
Sandal1 packet
Cashew500 gm
Honey1 bottle
Jaggery1/2 Kg
Mustard SeedsAavalu100 gm
Cumin SeedsJeelakarra100 gm
Pepper CornMiriyalu100 gm
Fenu GreekMenthulu100 gm
Sesame SeedsNuvvulu100 gm
Coriander SeedsDhaniyalu100 gm
Red Chilli powder250 gm
Dry Red Chillies500 gm
AsafoetidaInguva (Hing)1 box
Salt1 Kg
Rock Salt1/2 Kg
Sugar2 Kg
Garlic1/2 Kg
Baking Powder100 gm
Tamarind1/2 Kg
Bathing Soaps4
Hair Oil1 bottle
Tooth Paste1 packet
Dish Washing Liquid1 bottle
Dish Wash Soap2
Washing Powder500 gm
Floor Cleaner500 ml
Toilet Cleaner500 ml
Trash Bags2 packets

For Online Grocery Delivery in Tirupati, Please call or message us on WhatsApp @ 9393939150

We provide One-month Grocery package at a cheaper price if ordered a week in advance.

Diet Chart for your Information

The chart is based on the average human weight. It is per day consumption on an average. Please consult a dietician for better results and planning.