North-East Facing House Vastu Plan with Pooja Room, Kitchen, and Bedroom

North East Facing House Vastu Plan with Pooja Room, Kitchen, and Bedroom

The northeast will affect the head of the household and male progeny. This category of north-eastern block includes sites with roadways on both its east and north sides. Based on the Vastu science’s experience, it is considered the final block of all the others. Our forefathers in Vastu science compared this northeastern Vastut to Alakapuri, the capital of Kubera, the wealth guardian.

Out of the eight directions, the northeast holds the highest significance. Thus, builders must exercise extreme caution in this aspect. Even if the other directions are flawless, the householder will only make a little progress if the northeast is lacking.

Occasionally, specific locations may need more northeast during regular operations. Some could believe it to be merely a tiny desire.

They may feel that all other situations are excellent, too. However, that will have an impact. Even if the homeowner has a significant income, they are nevertheless frustrated. Suppose the northeast location is more confined than it is along the street; east-facing doors are to be installed. Installing an eastern northeast gate and using the north entrance for passage is necessary when the eastern southeast points more than 100° eastward. There should be an east entrance door on that house.

A north-facing entrance door has to be there if the north street is lower than the east street. However, if the north is inclined by more than 10° in the northwest, the gate has to be in the northeast, and the east door should be the entrance. That house needs a north door as well.

From the very start of the construction, ensuring that the northeast is not restricted, elevated, or closed off is essential.

Design house rooms with the same level of care as the site and house sections. No elevation at the Northeastern corners of each room should not rise and should not be truncated.

North East Facing House Vastu Plan

  • The entryway can face either north or east, depending on how the compass points. It will be advantageous. The door should face northeast and remain open as much as feasible.
  • Some people build houses to have a northeastern focus. As a result, the east-south portion of the premises may grow while the northeast portion decreases. The main problem in this situation is that the house facing northeast should remain intact, and neither the eastern nor the northern northeast should be cut off.
  • There should be no further house construction on the northeastern side. There should be an open area in certain parts of the northeast.
  • Assume that the northeast corner of the house contains a room.
  • It is closed in the northeast and has doors for entry from the west or south but no door for departure. Therefore, the eastern, northern, and eastern northeast should have an escape door.
  • Every dwelling or open space in the northeast should be demolished.
  • Our house shouldn’t have decreased in the northeast compared to others in the east and north.  
  • Don’t place luggage in the north east.
  • You shouldn’t put a broom stick there. In the same way, flower pots should not be maintained inside the northeast compound.
  • Additionally, a well should only be dug outside or to the northeast of a residence. Overall, it is not sufficient to have it in the northeast.
  • Building porticos with pillars in the east or north to the northeast blocks is inappropriate. Both north and southeast are truncated. The northern entrance terminates North West and North East. They ought to be relinquished. It should reach the house’s northeastern corner if an entrance is necessary.
  • It is not appropriate to make the northeast compound wall round. It is expected that houses will be found in cities with rounded corners. It’s incorrect. It is acceptable if the other blocks are round, but the northeast and corner blocks shouldn’t be. It ought to be angular.