Milk Adulteration Side effects

Milk Adulteration Side effects, Techniques used and unhealthy habits

Milk adulteration is growing really high in India. Urea is used for white colour, Soybeans oil for thickness and milk powder for taste. 1 Litre of Milk mixed with 19 Liters of chemicals liquid.

Milk usually expires after 6 hours. Some sellers mix Baking Soda to the spoilt milk but it will not taste good. For quality milk, please purchase within 6 hours after milking. Some street vendors mix starch in the milk to maintain thickness.

Commonly used chemicals for adulteration

  • Starch
  • Synthetic Milk
  • Urea
  • Detergents
  • Soybeans Oil

How to check Purity of the Milk?

Pour the milk on the mud, pure milk will dissolve whereas adulterated milk stick to the mud.

Pour a few drops of milk on floor tile, if leaves mark on the tile then it is pure whereas water mixed milk will not leave any trace and slides on the tile.

To know detergent mixed, pour some water and stir well then bubbles will form on layer.

To know starch mix, purchase Tincture Iodine or any type of Iodine from Pharmacy nearby. Take some milk to a bowl and pour 2 to 3 drops of Iodine in the milk bowl and wait for 5 mins. If it turns blue then it is starch mixed.

Some sellers inject Hormones for high milk production which is also dangerous.

Milk Adulteration Side effects

  • Gastrointestinal problems.
  • Diarrhoea
  • Vision problems
  • Kidney malfunctioning
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Can cause cancer

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