Health Benefits of Prawns

Health Benefits of Prawns, Cost, Online Booking, Home Delivery

100 gm Prawns Nutrition Facts

Proteins13 gm
Total Fat1.4 gm
Cholesterol152 mg
Carbohydrates0 gm

Prawns are a good source of Potassium, Iron, Magnesium, Sodium, Iodine, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Calcium, Zinc, Phosphorous, Vitamin A, B12, and E. An Average Healthy person can have 300 mg of Cholesterol per day.

Health Benefits of Prawns

  • Healthy Skin
  • Immune Health
  • Strengthens Bones
  • Increases oxygen flow to muscles
  • Relieve Eyes fatigue
  • Presence of Omega-3 fatty acids reduces cardiovascular diseases.

For prawns Online orders, please call, message or WhatsApp @ 93 93 93 9150

Side effects of eating prawns

  • Contains Toxics such as Mercury, PCBs, Dioxins etc
  • Causes food allergies in some persons.
  • Vision issues
  • Not good for foetus growth
  • It raises LDL (bad cholesterol)

Farm raised and wild caught Prawns

Majority of the Farm-raised prawns contains pesticides, antibiotics, GMO foods which is harmful to the human body. Wild-caught prawns are preferred over farm-raised. Fact is that prawns are filter feeders, cleaning out trash and food from the waters. if there are any algae present in the tank then we will have that toxic as well. It has to be cooked well before consuming. Bacteria grows high on prawns due to improper storage. My sincere suggestion is to avoid Prawns as it might cause food poisoning.