Flat Vastu Shastra: 10 signs for apartments

Flat Vastu Shastra: 10 signs for apartments. Vastu consultation contact details.

Vastu Shastra is a traditional Indian system of architecture that focuses on harmonizing human dwellings with natural forces. If you’re in the market for a flat and wondering how Vastu can enhance your living space, you’re in the right place. This article delves into the essential Vastu signs to look for in flats to ensure a balanced and prosperous life.

Flat Vastu Shastra: 10 signs for apartments

1. The Entrance
The entrance of a flat is one of the most critical aspects, according to Vastu Shastra. Ideally, the main door should be located in the north, east, or northeast directions. This placement is believed to invite positive energy into the home.

North-East Entrance: Welcomes wealth and prosperity.

East Entrance: Brings health and social reputation.

North Entrance: Attracts good luck and financial gains.

Choosing the right material for your entrance door is equally important. Solid wood doors are often recommended, as they act as a strong barrier against negative energies.

“A sturdy wooden entrance door in the northeast direction can be a gateway to both material and spiritual well-being.”

2. Living Room Layout
The living room should be located in the flat’s east, north, or northeast. This ensures positive energy flow and a vibrant atmosphere conducive to social interactions and mental peace.

Furniture Arrangement
Ensure the furniture is arranged such that it does not obstruct the flow of energy. Sofas should ideally be placed against the south or west walls, while electronics like TVs should face southeast.

East/North Living Room: Promotes active social life and creativity.

South/West Sofa Placement: Ensures stability and support.

3. Kitchen Position
The kitchen is considered the heart of the home. According to Vastu, the southeast is the best direction for the kitchen, as it represents the fire element. The northwest is also acceptable if the southeast is not possible.

Stove Placement
The cooking stove should be placed in such a way that the person cooking faces the east. This orientation is believed to promote health and digestion.

Southeast Kitchen: Balances fire elements.

East-Facing Cooking: Enhances health.

4. Bedroom Alignment
Master Bedroom
The master bedroom should ideally be in the southwest corner of the flat. This direction is said to bring stability and a good night’s sleep, essential for well-being.

Bed Position
The bed should be positioned in such a way that your head points towards the south or east while sleeping. This is believed to enhance sleep quality and overall health.

“For restful sleep and emotional stability, position your master bedroom in the southwest corner.”

5. Bathroom Location
The bathroom should ideally be located in the northwest or southeast corners of your flat. This placement helps in effectively flushing out negative energies.

Toilet Seat Orientation
The toilet seat should be positioned such that the person using it does not face north or east. This helps in promoting better health and hygiene.

Northwest/Southeast Bathroom: Optimal for cleansing energies.

Avoid North/East Facing Toilets: Promotes health.

6. Balconies and Windows
Balconies and large windows should ideally be in the north, east, or northeast sections of the flat. This allows for maximum sunlight and fresh air, contributing to a healthy living environment.

Size and Shape
Rectangular or square-shaped balconies and windows are considered more auspicious than irregular shapes.

“Large windows in the northeast bring in an abundance of natural sunlight, fostering a lively atmosphere.”

7. Storage Spaces
Vastu suggests that storage rooms for heavy items should be in the south, west, or southwest corners. These directions help to keep heavy objects grounded, thereby instilling a sense of stability and security.

South/West Storage: Adds stability and balance.

Avoid North/East for Heavy Items: Prevents obstruction of positive energy flow.

8. Colors and Decor
Color Scheme
Colors play an essential role in influencing mood and energy. Light and pastel shades such as white, cream, light blue, and shades of green are recommended for walls, as they promote tranquility and peace.

Decor Elements
Items like mirrors, paintings, and indoor plants should be placed strategically. Mirrors should ideally be placed on the north or east walls and never in front of the main entrance.

Light Colors: Enhance serenity and positivity.

Mirror Placement: North and east walls boost positive energy.

9. Pooja Room
The pooja room or sacred space, should ideally be in the northeast portion of the flat. This direction is believed to be the most auspicious and is conducive to spiritual activities.

Decorate with Care
Use spiritual symbols, flowers, and incense to create a positive and serene atmosphere. Avoid placing the puja room in the bedroom or under a staircase.

“A northeast pooja room helps in nurturing your spiritual growth and fostering a peaceful environment.”

10. Clear the Clutter
Regular Cleaning
Keeping your flat clean and free from clutter is perhaps the simplest yet most effective Vastu practice. A clutter-free home allows for the flow of positive energy and reduces stress.

Organizing Spaces
Ensure that closets, kitchens, and storage areas are well-organized. Regularly discard items that are broken or no longer in use.

Regular Cleaning: Enhances positive energy flow.

Well-Organized Spaces: Promotes mental clarity.

Incorporating Vastu principles into your flat can significantly enhance the quality of your life by harmonizing your living space with natural forces. Whether it’s the strategic placement of rooms or the mindful selection of colors and furniture, these Vastu signs can facilitate a balanced, prosperous, and peaceful living environment.