Dry Fruits Shop in Tirupati

Dry Fruits Shop in Tirupati, Store Timings, Items available and Cost details

Dry Fruits Health Benefits

  • Rich source of Antioxidants
  • Strengthens bones and muscles
  • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases
  • Good for fetus development
  • Reduce infertility problem
  • Removes Joint-pains
  • Prevents the risk of cancer
  • Strengthens Immune system
  • Reduces Anaemia
  • Removes constipation on regular consumption
  • Balance Blood pressure

Dry Fruits Shop in Tirupati

Dry Fruits and Nuts1 Kg Cost
Dried DatesRs.700
Brazil NutsRs.3200
Apricot DriedRs.1450
Black DatesRs.350 to Rs.500
Pumpkin SeedsRs.800
Flax SeedsRs.350
Plain PistachioRs.1800
Salted PistachioRs.1200
Sunflower SeedsRs.650
Watermelon SeedsRs.500

For Dry Fruits Shop in Tirupati, Please call, message or WhatsApp @ 93 93 93 9150

Almonds Health Benefits

  • Lowers Bad cholesterol
  • Reduces heart diseases
  • Regulates Blood pressure
  • Prevents the risk of colon cancer
  • Reduces Blood sugar
  • Helps in Weight Loss
  • Good for fetus growth

Walnuts Health Benefits

  • Reduces the risk of Diabetes
  • Good for fetal growth
  • Reduces Risk of Cardiovascular diseases

Figs Health Benefits

  • Reduces the risk of Coronary diseases
  • Helps in weight reduction
  • Reduces hypertension due to the presence of potassium
  • Lowers Blood pressure

Raisins Health Benefits

  • Good for eye-sight
  • Reduces Anaemia
  • Prevents Cancer
  • Healthy Skin
  • Removes constipation
  • Reduces Acidity in Blood

Pistachio Health Benefits

  • Improves digestion
  • Reduces Bad Cholesterol
  • Lowers risk of heart diseases
  • Healthy Skin
  • Good for foetus growth
  • Lowers risk of Type 2 Diabetes
  • Improves Immune System

Dates Health Benefits

  • Rich in Vitamins and Minerals
  • Improves digestive system
  • Energy boosters
  • Regulates Nervous system
  • Reduces Anaemia
  • Improves Tooth strength
  • Weight Gain
  • Cures Abdominal Cancer