Can we sleep in The West direction?

Can we sleep in The West direction? And Head resting position

Many people say that Sleeping West is the best place for ambitious people who want to be well-known, wealthy, and well-regarded. Go west if you aim to conquer the globe. While some claim that sleeping with your head to the west is not best and encourages lively, disturbing dreams, other sources advise that it is a neutral sleeping posture.

Can we sleep in The West direction?

  • Vastu Shastra suggests that resting on the west side is not a desirable option for healthy sleeping alignment. 
  • It is not a good idea to sleep facing west or with your head turned toward the West, as this leads to disturbance and disrupts your uninterrupted sleep for the night. 
  • While not always the case, it is generally not a good idea to sleep in the West. West is a successful direction. So, taking the west way will help you if you want to succeed. 
  • While it might not work for everyone, sleeping in the West will increase your success and ward off negative energy. 
  • According to Vastu Shastra, the West has few advantages and few disadvantages as a sleeping orientation because it is generally benign. 
  • Additionally, as Vastu states, sleeping in the north is not the best orientation, and we should refrain from doing so. 
  • There may be health risks associated with sleeping in the north. Your heart and brain may be under stress and strain because the magnetic field affects blood flow in your body. 
  • The north orientation can also result in chronic neurological conditions and lack of sleep. 
  • Because it is not the best Vastu orientation, it is good to avoid sleeping in this direction altogether. 
  • In summary, because it directly affects both your physical and mental health, the position of your head when you sleep may have an impact on the quantity and quality of your entire sleep cycle. 
  • Experts in Vastu believe that sleeping in the south is the best orientation, with the east coming in second. It is the third option if the person sleeps like the West. But sleeping in the north should never be considered, if at all feasible. 
  • Therefore, you should modify your sleep direction in accordance with Vastu and see if it helps you have a good night’s sleep if you’ve been having trouble falling asleep and you’re positive that there are no underlying medical issues or challenges.