Can we sleep in the east direction?

Can we sleep in the east direction? And head resting position

For all of you students out there, the best direction to sleep is east. It is beneficial to sleep with your head facing east if you are an academic. Good health is the outcome of memory enhancement, attention improvement, and the promotion of silent sleep. Academics, educators, and anyone seeking new job prospects or advancements should consider East. This type of sleep gives one a strong, energizing feeling. Furthermore, this is the recommended position for those who want to overcome any health-related challenges.

Can we sleep in the East Direction?

Facing east, or the direction of the rising sun, is said to be beneficial for meditation and other spiritual practices. It enhances both focus and memory. Sound sleep is ensured by sleeping with your feet pointed west, and your head pointed east. It is beneficial for a child’s development to have the bed on the east side of the room. You were sleeping with your back to the east, which balances your vata, pitta, and kapha doshas, according to Ayurveda.

Avoid sleeping in the north direction.

There are better positions than sleeping in the north, according to Vastu. Thus, one should avoid facing north. Sleeping in this direction can affect blood pressure and make it harder for the heart to pump blood due to the effect of the earth’s magnetic forces. The blood vessels that supply the brain are more acceptable than those that run down. There may be a chance of bleeding in specific situations. In addition, iron is found in blood, and sleeping with your back to the north attracts iron as well, which has an impact on your brain. Five to six hours of sleep facing north can cause blood circulation issues and other health difficulties. 

Studies show that certain people who sleep north-south may take longer to enter the sleep cycle, which is essential for overall health, emotional stability, and cognitive function. On the other hand, those who slept east-west went into the rapid eye movement phase earlier.