Ayurvedic Treatment in Kerala for Weight Loss

Ayurvedic Treatment in Kerala for Weight Loss, Course Duration and Cost

Excessive fat accumulation which will have negative impact on health. Men with a waist measurement of 94 cm or above and women with 80 cm or above might develop obesity.

Health effects of obesity

  1. Infertility
  2. Cardiovascular diseases
  3. Type 2 Diabetes
  4. Cancer
  5. Irregular Menstrual cycle
  6. Skin problems

Reasons for Obesity

  1. Heavy intake of Processed foods and fatty foods (Oily Foods, Salt Foods, Fast Foods)
  2. Overeating
  3. Improper lifestyle such as No exercise, low sleep hours, sitting for long hours etc
  4. Hormonal abnormalities
  5. Medication
  6. Dairy by-products
  7. Genetic factors.
  8. Smoking and Alcoholism
  9. High-calorie foods and chocolates etc
  10. Excessive Sleep

Ayurvedic Treatment in Kerala for Weight Loss

Sneha basti and Swedana will be performed as part of Panchakarma treatment.


Treatment duration: 45 to 50 mins.

In this treatment, Oil or Thailam Massage will be performed from Bottom to Top. It removes Kapha Dosha. The powder used in this treatment will reduce weight loss. It opens the skin pores and improves blood circulation. Triphala Thailam, Triphala Choornam, Kolakulathadi Thailam, Kolakulathadi Choornam and other powders will be used. It helps with good sleep. Removes Kapha and makes the body active. The foul smell due to sweating will be reduced. Snigdha Udwarthana will be performed for the soft skin persons. Rooksha Udwarthana will be effective and can be performed for any. skin type.

Steam bath after Udwarthana is required.

Dhanyamla Dhara

This treatment reduces the inflammation of the nerve. The treatment might take 7 to 14 days, which depends on the body condition.

Lekhana Vasthi

It is mixture of Makshikam, Lavanam, Sneham Triphala Thailam, Kalk, Kwath, Dhanya amlam etc

Other Panchakarma Ayurvedic Treatments for weight loss

Samshodhana Chikitsa

Yoga Theraphy

  1. Surya Namaskara
  2. Chathuranga Dandasana
  3. Virabhadrasana
  4. Sarvangasana
  5. Navasana
  6. Vasisthasana
  7. Anjaneyasana
  8. Sethu Bandha Sarvangasana
  9. Trikonasana
  10. Parivritta Utkatasana
  11. Dhanurasana
  12. Ardha matsyendrasana

Simple Home remedies for weight loss

  1. Daily intake of Lemon Water mixed with Honey
  2. Having buttermilk daily
  3. Triphala Choorna (Indian Gooseberry, Vibhitaki, Haritaki) Daily
  4. A good intake of Fibre Foods
  5. Having frequent small meals
  6. Skimmed milk
  7. Drinking Lukewarm water instead of Normal water
  8. Nuts and Salads
  9. BItter gourd, Drumstick
  10. Cabbage slows down sugar conversion