Ayurvedic Treatment in Kerala for Stress, Anxiety and Depression

Ayurvedic Treatment in Kerala for Stress, Anxiety Disorders and Depression removes. Course duration, Benefits and Cost

Causes of Stress

  1. Financial issues
  2. Sedentary lifestyle
  3. Unhygienic food
  4. Work Pressure
  5. Failing Relationships
  6. Lack of Sleep
  7. Health issues
  8. Media overload
  9. Imbalance personal life or issues within the family

Effects of Stress

  1. Anxiety
  2. Depression
  3. weight gain
  4. Cardiovascular diseases
  5. Insomnia
  6. Digestive problems
  7. Memory issues

Ayurvedic Treatment in Kerala for Stress

Achara Rasayana (Behavioral Rejuvenation Therapy)

the balanced use of sense organs by strictly maintaining time for all daily activities such as food, Yoga, Meditation etc.

Ajasrika Rasayana

Using Ghee, Milk and other dairy products to overcome the daily wear and tear phenomenon

Ausudha Rasayana will be implemented after the first Two Rasayana.

Ayurvedic formulations for managing stress

Brahmi Pearls

  1. Improves memory power
  2. Good concentration
  3. Balance emotions
  4. will get quality sleep
  5. Good microcirculation in our body which helps in reducing stress, anxiety and depression aid in rejuvenation from stress & fatigue.
  6. To overcome Epilepsy, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer
  7. Improves blood circulation
  8. Anti-ageing

Saraswatha Ghrita

It is mixture of Goat Milk, Trikatu, Patha, Ugra, Shigru (Drum stick), Water and Pure Ghee

  1. It balances Vatha, Pitha and Kapha Dosha
  2. Improves memory and concentration.
  3. Good digestion power
  4. Good intelligence
  5. Removes speaking difficulties
  6. To over speech delay issues

Chandanadi Thailam

  1. Reduces body heat
  2. Helps in calming, soothing and cooling the mind and body
  3. It helps in treating stress, anxiety and depression

Panchakarma Ayurvedic Treatment in Kerala for Stress

Snehabasti and Swedana

Abhyanga Herbal Oil massage helps with

  1. Good quality sleep
  2. Removes stress
  3. Improves blood circulation
  4. Strengthens muscles and nervous system
  5. Rejuvenate tissues
  6. Strengthens bones and joints


Pouring medicated Herbal Oil on the head. During this treatment, the person will lie down with the head position tilted. During Shirodhara, the oil pouring vessel will be oscillating. The oil temperature is maintained at 40 degrees throughout the treatment.

  1. Good quality sleep
  2. Boosts memory
  3. Calms the nervous system
  4. Improves blood circulation to the brain
  5. Controls high blood pressure
  6. Relives from Stress, Anxiety, depression, fatigue, Migraine etc

Shirodhara can be performed with any of these based on the Dosha

  1. Thaila Dhara (using oil)
  2. Thakra Dhara (using medicated buttermilk or buttermilk)
  3. Ghee Dhara (Using Ghee)
  4. Jala Dhara (Using water)


During this treatment, the person will be in a sitting position followed by the massage. Later an elongated cap is tied to the head and warm Medicated oil will be poured into the cap. The medicated oil will be retained for about 20 mins.

  1. Prevents hair falls
  2. Used to treat Alzheimer, Parkinson’s
  3. Relives from anxiety, Depression
  4. Used to treat Insomnia
  5. Strengthens hair roots


Head massage will be performed with a medicated oil. The Herbal paste will be applied to the patient’s scalp. Later, the scalp will be covered with a banana leaf and tied with a rope. A tiny hole is made on the leaf thru which the medicated oil will be poured. Treatment is performed for about 30 to 45 mins.

  1. Relieve from Insomnia
  2. Removes anxiety and Depression
  3. Treats migraine and other chronic headaches

Natural methods to reduce Stress, Anxiety Disorder and Depression

  1. Regular Exercise
  2. Hygienic deity with Fruits and Vegetables
  3. Yoga and Meditation
  4. Interaction with positive people
  5. Quality Sleep