Ayurvedic Treatment in Kerala for Cancer

Ayurvedic Treatment in Kerala for Cancer Cost and Benefits. Course Duration and Contact number

It is clearly explained in Ayurveda, that Alaganda, Gandamala, Arbuda, Granthi and Adimamsa etc which is similar to cancer can be cured with Panchakarma and Rasayana Treatments. It is mentioned that these diseases occur due to imbalance of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. This Tridosha results in abnormal branch formations in the blood vessels. It is mentioned in Ashtanga hridaya, that excessive growth tissues (Mamsa Dhatu) formation leads to abnormal conditions such as alaganda, Gandamala, Arbuda, Granthi and Adimamsa. etc.

In Ayurvedic Terms, Granthi is defined as a round, hard, and swelling due to Vata and Kapha dosha. It is a muscular tissue, blood, and fatty tissues.

Arbuda is defined as a round, large, muscular, immovable, deeply rooted, slowly growing swelling due to Doshas related to muscle, blood, and fatty tissues.

Arbuda (Tumor) Dhatu classified into

  1. Medaja Arbuda (fatty tissue)
  2. Mamsaja Arbuda (muscular tissue)
  3. Rakatarbuda (blood)

Granthi/ Arbuda according to Ayurveda

Vata dosha is responsible for cell division. Vata dosha or Kapha dosha or both may result in the reproduction of cells. Pitha Dosha results in the destruction of adjacent tissues. Dhatu like Rakta leads to the spreading of disease.

Reasons for Cancer

  1. Irregular Food habits
  2. Stressful habits
  3. Exposed to chemical or radiation
  4. Hormonal changes
  5. Junk Foods
  6. Obesity
  7. physical trauma

Ayurvedic Treatment in Kerala for Cancer

Treatment is classified into 5 types

Cancer Prevention

  1. Practising a Good and healthy lifestyle.
  2. Hygienic Food habits
  3. Chyavanaprasha
  4. Amalaka Rasayana
  5. Aswagandha Churnam as advised by the doctor
  6. Shatavari as advised by the doctor

Treating symptoms associated with cancer

  1. Lack of constipation
  2. loss of appetite
  3. Tiredness can be managed well through ayurvedic remedies.

Ayurvedic treatment for cancer in the early stages

Treating with medicines listed below will be effective

  1. Gguggulu Thiktakam Ghritam
  2. Varanadi kashayam
  3. Guggulu preparations
  4. Rasagandhi Mezhuk

Ayurvedic treatment for Rejuvenation

  1. Shodhana Chikitsa (Detoxification)
  2. Rasayana Aushadhas
  3. Vaman and Virchana
  4. Ksharkarma
  5. Lekhana Karma
  6. Shastra Karma
  7. Raktavsechana
  8. Vrana Chikitsa

Medicines with Aswagandha, Haritaki, Amalaki will be effective during this time.

Ayurvedic treatment in the advanced stage

In the final stage of cancer, where the body Prakruti might not respond properly to the treatment. in such conditions, palliative therapy helps in removing the discomforts of the patient.

Ayurvedic treatment helps patients with these

  1. Good sleep
  2. Removes tastelessness
  3. Removes loss of constipation
  4. Cures bloating, tiredness etc
  5. Treats non-healing ulcers and bedsores.
  6. It reduces the stiffness of muscles.