Ayurvedic treatment for PCOS and PCOD

Ayurvedic treatment for PCOS and PCOD, Course Duration and Diet Plan followed

PCOS is a common problem in Women. 1 in 10 are suffering from PCOS issues. PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) is a Hormonal Disorder that results in enlarged ovaries with small cysts on the outer edges.

Causes for PCOS

  1. Excess Insulin
  2. Stress, Anxiety and Depression
  3. Poor lifestyle
  4. Genetic factors
  5. Overweight
  6. Excess Androgen

Problems with PCOS

  1. Delayed Pregnancy or Infertility
  2. Irregular Menstrual cycles
  3. Type 2 Diabetes
  4. Cardiovascular disease
  5. Risk of Endometrial Cancer
  6. Facial Hair growth
  7. Thyroid disorders
  8. Oily Skin
  9. Headache
  10. Weight changes
  11. Hormone imbalance
  12. Hyper Pigmentation

Ayurvedic treatment for PCOS and PCOD

Treatment includes regulate the menstrual cycle, Stimulate the Ovary and Normalize the Hormonal Imbalance.


Medicated Oil massage for about 10 to 15 mins on the Lower back, Hypogastric regions and Flanks.

  1. Relax Pelvic Organs
  2. Relief from backpain
  3. Strengthens muscles
  4. Improves blood flow


Hot Fomentation (Moist heat) is applied on the same areas as that of Abhyanga. It is performed for about 10 to 15 mins.

  1. Relieves Stiffness and Pain in the Pelvic region
  2. Relaxes muscles and nerves
  3. Improves Blood supply

Yoni Prakshalan

Wash out the Yoni with a mixture of Water and Herbal medicine. Herbs used are Nimba Kwatha and Panchvalkal Kwatha. It helps in Maintaining Asepsis during Therapy(the exclusion of bacteria and other microorganisms) and also decrease the risk of ascending infection.

Uttara Vasti (Uttara Basti)

This treatment is performed to Balance Vata dosha. The medicated herb will be inserted in the affected area (female genital system) and this treatment will be repeated 2 to 3 times for effective results. It strengthens the reproductive system.

  1. Removes Fallopian Tube blockage
  2. Cures PCOD/ PCOS problem
  3. Cure Miscarriage/ Abortion
  4. And reproductive related problems will be cured


Treatment duration: 45 to 50 mins.

In this treatment, Oil or Thailam Massage will be performed from Bottom to Top. It removes Kapha Dosha. The powder used in this treatment will reduce weight loss. It opens the skin pores and improves blood circulation. Triphala Thailam, Triphala Choornam, Kolakulathadi Thailam, Kolakulathadi Choornam and other powders will be used. It helps with good sleep. Removes Kapha and makes the body active. The foul smell due to sweating will be reduced. Snigdha Udwarthana will be performed for the soft skin persons. Rooksha Udwarthana will be effective and can be performed for any. skin type.

Steam bath after Udwarthana is required.

Natural Herbs for PCOS Management

  1. Shatavari is effective in Regularizing the Menstrual cycle and Maintains Hormonal Balance. This Herb is effective for Regular Ovulation and Fertility.
  2. Ashoka herb is effective in dealing with Irregular periods and excessive bleeding during the Menstrual cycle. It improves insulin sensitivity thus reducing the risk of Type 2 Diabetes and reduces hair loss due to PCOS
  3. Lodhra helps in reducing excessing blood flow during Menopause and is good for fertility
  4. Aloe vera herb balance hormones and improves insulin sensitivity. It also regularizes periods and Improves blood flow Menstrual cycle.
  5. Brahmi herb is good for memory and deals with stress, anxiety and depression.

Practices to overcome PCOS & PCOD

  1. Regular Exercise
  2. Avoid Unhygienic Foods
  3. Meditation and Yoga
  4. Yoga Postures such as Dhanurasana, Uttanpadasana, Badhakonasana, Ushtrasana and Vajrasana are effective
  5. Avoid sugary foods and artificial sweeteners.
  6. Low salt during the Menstrual cycle
  7. Medication as advised by the Doctor