Ayurvedic treatment for Epilepsy in Kerala

Ayurvedic treatment for Severe Epilepsy in Kerala, Cost and Treatment Duration

It is a neurological disorder which causes brain seizure. It is quite common in children under 2 years and old age people.

Causes of Epilepsy

  1. Head Injury due to accident
  2. Infectious diseases such as AIDS, Meningitis
  3. Serious illness or High fever
  4. Family History
  5. Low oxygen to the brain
  6. Brain Injury before birth
  7. Infection during pregnancy
  8. Poor nutrition during Pregnancy
  9. Autism
  10. Neurofibromatosis
  11. Alzheimer’s disease

Symptoms of Epilepsy

  1. Seizure
  2. Loss of consciousness
  3. Dizziness
  4. Jerking of arm or leg
  5. Staring blankly into space or blinking
  6. Repeatedly rubbing hands or Walking in circles or Chewing
  7. Muscle stiffness in the back and neck
  8. Sudden collapse
  9. Stiffening of the body
  10. Body shaking
  11. Loss of bladder control
  12. Biting of the tongue

Panchakarma Ayurvedic treatment for Epilepsy

In Ayurveda, Epilepsy is called Apasmara which includes Tri Dosha ie Vata Dosha, Pitta Dosha and Kapha Dosha.

Vatha Dosha Aggravation

Insomnia, constipation, overexertion, and mental stress aggravates Vata dosha. Vata dosha will be reduced with medicated Abhyanga Oil Massage, Swedana, Shirodhara, and Kati Vasti therapies.

Abhyanga Oil Massage

Panchakarma Herbal Medicated Oil Massage. It might be performed for 45 to 60 mins. Oil will be applied to the whole body which starts from the Head.

  1. It improves skin health
  2. Helps in anti-ageing, skin hydrated and avoids wrinkles
  3. strengthens bones and joints
  4. Strengthens Nerves
  5. Sound sleep
  6. Removes Stress and anti-anxiety


Hot Fomentation (Moist heat) is applied on the same areas as that of Abhyanga. It is performed for about 10 to 15 mins.

  1. Relaxes muscles and nerves
  2. Improves Blood supply

Shirodhara Therapy

Pouring medicated Herbal Oil on the head. During this treatment, the person will lie down with the head position tilted. During Shirodhara, the oil pouring vessel will be oscillating. The oil temperature is maintained at 40 degrees throughout the treatment.

  1. Good quality sleep
  2. Boosts memory
  3. Calms the nervous system
  4. Improves blood circulation to the brain
  5. Controls high blood pressure
  6. Relives from Stress, Anxiety, depression, fatigue, Migraine etc

Shirodhara can be performed with any of these based on the Dosha

  1. Thaila Dhara (using oil)
  2. Thakra Dhara (using medicated buttermilk or buttermilk)
  3. Ghee Dhara (Using Ghee)
  4. Jala Dhara (Using water)

Kati Vasthi Treatment

Will make one round with wheat to store the oil. The wheat circle will be placed on the back and the herbal lukewarm oil will be poured into it. From this treatment, muscles pain will be relieved. Nerves will be strengthened. Joints gaps and swelling will be reduced.

Greva Vasthi

Kati Vasti performed on the neck which removes neck pain and strengthens muscles and nerves over the area.

Pitta Dosha Aggravation

Inflammatory conditions aggravate Pitta Dosha causing increased heat in the head. This will be cleared by Virechana treatment.

Virechana (Detoxification of the Body)

Chitrakadi Vati along with Tulasi will be given to the patient followed by Gritha Pana (Pure Ghee). This process removes the toxins accumulated in the body. The saturation state will be analyzed after checking stool.

With Ayurvedic Medicines, Eczema can be cured by following doctor prescriptions

  1. Amrutadi Guggulu and Gandhak Rasayana
  2. Triphala Decoction
  3. Rakta Shodak Vati
  4. Mahamarichadi Thailam
  5. Vajraka Ghrutam

Aggravation of Kapha Dosha

This happens due to a blockage in the nervous system thus causing excessive saliva secretion. Vamana and Nasya reduce the Kapha Dosha.

Vamana (Vomiting)

It is used to treat Ama oriented diseases such as Skin diseases, Psoriasis, Indigestion, Respiratory problems etc. The Body Prakruti will be analyzed before the treatment.

Nasya Therapy

Oil massage will be applied on the face followed by steam. Medicated lukewarm oil will be poured gently into the nostrils. Later, Medicated smoke is inhaled thru the nose and mouth. Relieves from headaches and respiratory problem. With this treatment, Doshas can be balanced.