Agriculture land for sale near Srikalahasti

Agriculture land for sale near Srikalahasti, Land Cost, and Agent details

Farmlands near Srikalahasti are on sale for real estate. Agriculture lands within 10 to 15 km2 are mostly converted for open-plot sales. At present, the majority of the farmers and agents are selling on an Ankanam basis. It is advisable to look for agricultural land in the 20–25 km range from Srikalahasti for the best deals.

Agriculture land for sale near Srikalahasti

Mango Gardens and uncultivated lands are available for sale near to Srikalahasti.

For more details, Please call 701-303-3309

Please check with us for any requirements nearby Tirupati. We are happy to assist you on this.

Authenticated Agriculture lands for Sale near Srikalahasti

  • Patta Pass Book and Clear Title Deed
  • Settlement record check details
  • 1B Register details
  • Field Measure Book (FMB) verification details
  • Link documents
  • Land record for the past 30 years

For Farm lands pricing near Tirupati, Please check or follow us for up to date land updates.

Type of Farm lands available for Sale

  • Mango Farm Lands cost varies from Rs.30 Lacs to Rs.45 Lacs. Road side and Patta Lands will be little high. Proper documentation is available.
  • DKT lands are available for sale which are little inside
  • Patta Farmlands are a little inside, and road access will be minimal. The path to farmland will be small.

Mango Garden Annual Income per Acre

Usually, it will be 40 to 50k per acre for good-quality mangos. It can’t be said exactly, as it varies with demand. Mango farms are good for constructing farmhouses and are a good place to spend time with your family.

  1. Air Pollution Free
  2. Sound Pollution Free
  3. Fresh air
  4. Good time to relax

Facilities available at Farm Land

  1. Borewell Water for the Farm
  2. Electricity lines in the Farm
  3. Vehicles can go inside the Farm