Agricultural land for sale in Pakala: Cost and Agent Contact

Agricultural land for sale in Pakala: cost and agent contact details. There are three ways to get to Pakala from Tirupati: by train, bus, or cab. Pakala has a railway junction.

farm lands

Agricultural land for sale in Pakala

Approximate land cost near Pakala. The cost of land varies with facilities and road accessibility.

VillagePer acre costDistance from Pakala
AgraharamRs. 20 to 30 Lacs30 Km
BarlikondaRs.25 to 32 Lacs4.3 Km
Irramgari PalliRs.25 to 30 Lacs2.2 Km
Surinenivari PalleRs.25 to 30 Lacs1.8 K
NannurivaripalliRs.20 to 35 Lacs2.4 Km
Gummadivariindlu  Rs.28 to 36 Lacs3 Km
Utlavaripalli  Rs.30 to 38 Lacs1.6 Km
Kondakindapalle  Rs.28 to Rs.30 Lacs7.2 Km
Hassan Puram  Rs.40 to Rs.55 Lacs3.6 Km
Mallelacheruvupalle  Rs.33 to Rs.37 Lacs4.3 Km
Manipireddipalle  Rs.37 to Rs.42 Lacs2 Km
Medasani Indlu  Rs.20 to Rs.28 Lacs18.7 Km
Ontillu  Rs.20 to Rs.25 Lacs41.7 Km
Peddapakala HW  Rs.30 to Rs.35 Lacs3.7 Km
Ramireddi Palle  Rs.25 to Rs.28 Lacs14.2 Km
Nallagatla Palli  Rs.20 to Rs.28 Lacs15.5 Km
Kamathampalle  Rs.22 to Rs.28 Lacs19.4 Km
Anuppalli  Rs.22 to Rs.28 Lacs23 Km
Kundetevari Palli  Rs.45 to Rs.55 Lacs2 Km
Yellampalli  Rs.48 to Rs.65 Lacs4.8 Km
Adusupalli  Rs.30 to Rs.40 Lacs2 Km
Desireddipalle  Rs.40 to Rs.50 Lacs4.7 Km
Bathinavari PalleRs.45 to Rs.55 Lacs7.1 Km
per acre cost near Pakala
Agricultural land for sale in Pakala

For more details, Please call or WhatsApp 701-303-3309

How do I check if agricultural land is genuine?

  • Details About Land Conversion: Property owners and land conversion details can be retrieved from the online portal.
  • AP 1-B Land Record Information: It provides information about property lines and how land is classified.
  • Soil and Water Source Data: Type of soil and water source for a certain piece of land
  • Crop Details: Crops that are grown on their land
  • Leasing Information: Owners can check leasing information, which makes managing rented or leased land easier.
  • Patta Names and Patta Passbook
  • Patta Passbook data: It helps with budgeting and land-related transactions.
  • Aadhaar Card Integration: Information about who owns the property.
  • Land Surveys and Risk Assessment: It helps property owners understand the state of their land and possible risks by supporting land surveys and risk assessments.
  • Landlord and Property Owner Registry: It makes property ownership more open and clear.
  • KYC Details: This helps with proving identities and making transactions connected to the property.